Located at 82 Miller Street, Dannevirke

Open  Mon - Fri   8.00am to 5.00pm

Open  Sat            8.30am to 12.30pm

Closed Sundays & Public Holidays

Phone: 063748654  Mon - Fri

Phone: 0800-114-471  or  0274-431-645

Email: office@buckeridgetransport.co.nz

Please click on the link below - it will take you to our facebook page which has our current price list.

One scoop is equivalent to half a cubic metre.

For large bulk loads please enquire for a quote to supply and deliver.

Local deliveries are available with our landscaping truck which can hold 10 cubic metres of bark.

An additional charge applies to landscaping deliveries.

We have two trailers available to hire - the hire is ONLY for landscaping purchases.

Bucko's Landscape Supplies Dannevirke

EFTPOS is available at our landscaping yard.